Just as good as Tournament otherwise.Ĭrayon Shin-Chan: Arashi no Yobu Cinema-Land Daibouken! Japanese only, but everything's easy to figure out and you can just power through most puzzles and battles no problem. Despite being based off the Bomberman Jetters anime, you don't play as Shirobom/White-Bomber, but his badass older brother Mighty-Bomber (see far left), the original Bomberman hero. Spiritual Sequel to Bomberman Tournament, using many of the same mechanics. Translation, including Solar Sensor Fix in the extra folder The last Boktai game, but it had a spiritual successor/alternate universe in Lunar Knights for DS. By the way, you also get a CASKET MOTORCYCLE, which you ride to access new areas in shoot'em up-esque segments and can customize, doing away with the walking from dungeon A to B from the first two games. Now that your gun is back, this is a smooth mix between 1+2's styles of fighting.
The third installment in the Boktai series Japan Only (Although a mostly complete translation patch has been released). The best of these games have been updated/ported on WiiWare and DSiWare. Also recommend trying these out on an emulator, as they tend to be hit or miss with most people. Keep in mind that these are all separate games, and not all on one cartridge. Coloris: Take Bejweled, except you shift the colors of the various blocks instead of physically moving them. Soundvoyager: An interesting game where you use sound to perform various challenges, such as avoiding cars. Orbital: Rather similar to Osmos, actually, in that you play as a spherical object that needs to absorb smaller objects to grow larger. Dialhex: Attempt to make hexagons with a rotating hexagon. Digidrive: A weird game where you stack arrows and.hard to explain. Boundish: Pong with several modes that mix things up. Artsy, minimalist, and fun, these are basically the indie games of the GBA.